Statute of the Foundation for the Promotion of Young Cellists

Chapter I
General resolutions


Foundation for the Promotion of Young Cellists, from this point on named “The Foundation”, is constituted by the will of the Founders as stated in the Notarial Act of 30th May 1996 made in the notary office of Elżbieta Brudnicka in 40 Smolna st., Warsaw, under catalogue number 2386/96 on the basis of the Foundation Law dated 6 April 1984 (Dz.U. Nr 46, 1991 ) and the present Statute.


The Foundation has legal status.


The Foundation's official residence is the Capital City of Warsaw.


1. The Foundation acts within the Polish territory,

2. For proper realisation of its statutory goals the Foundation may act abroad.


The appropriate Minister to the Foundation's objectives is the Minister of Culture and Art.


The Foundation uses a round seal in a circumference indicating the Foundation's name and the official residence.


The Foundation may grant awards and medals of honour together with other prizes and distinctions, to those who have contributed to the aims set by the Foundation.

Chapter II
Objectives and Rules of Activity of the Foundation


The Foundation objectives are:

  • Supporting and promoting young cellists,
  • Organising master classes led by outstanding professors from Poland and from abroad,
  • Cooperating with professional musicians, institutions and other organizations propagating musical culture,
  • Preparing young cellists for participation in national and international contests,
  • Organising cello concerts and festivals,
  • Collecting printed music and recordings.

The Foundation's objectives stated in §8 are achieved through:

1. Organizing and financing of meetings, master classes, scholarships aimed at exchanging ideas and knowledge on education system and promotion of young cellists in Poland and abroad,

2. Cooperation with native and foreign institutions associated with organizing musical life, especially propagating cello music.


To achieve its objectives the Foundation may support the activity of natural and legal persons whose activities converge with those of the Foundation

Chapter III
Estate and income of the Foundation


The estate of the Foundation constitutes of the funds granted by the Founders in the amount of 700 PLN ( 400 USD) and also from those funds and valuables collected during the Foundation's activity.


The Foundation is accountable for its obligations with its entire estate.


Income of the Foundation comes in particular from:

  • donations, bequeaths and devises,
  • subsidies and donations made by third persons for the Foundation,
  • collections and public events,
  • income from personal and real estate.

Incomes from donations, bequeaths and devises may be used to achieve all of the foundation's objectives unless the contributors or donators specify otherwise.


1. Natural and legal persons making donations to the Foundation or contributing to the development of the Foundation may acquire the title of the Foundation's Sponsor,

2. The title of a Sponsor has a personal character and is granted by the Foundation's Counsil.

Chapter IV
The Foundation bodies


Bodies of the Foundation are:

  • Council of the Foundation,
  • Managing Board of the Foundation.

The Council is formed by the Founders.


1. The Council has an initiative, consultative and supervising authority,

2. The Council's scope of authority include:

  • consulting long-term and annual activity programs,
  • evaluating the proposals put forward by the Managing Board,
  • examining annual reports of the Managing Board,
  • adopting resolutions on issues specified in §§ 29, 32, 33.

President of the Foundation's Council is chosen from among the Council's members.


1. The Council meets at sessions held at least once a year,

2. Representative of the Managing Board takes part in the Council's sessions.


The Council's resolutions are adopted by simple majority regardless the number of members present provided that the President is present.


1. Three persons comprise the Managing Board which is elected for an undefined period by the Founders,

2. A Founder may become a member of the Managing Board.


The Managing Board is in charge of the Foundation's activities and represents its interests externally.


The Managing Board does especially:

  • represent the Foundation externally,
  • adopt long-term and annual activity programms of the Foundation,
  • administrate the estate of the Foundation,
  • accept donations, bequeaths and devises,
  • make decisions on changes of the Statute of the Foundation and on liquidation.

1. Members of the Managing Board may be remunerated and awarded for their functions,

2. Rules of remuneration of members of the Managing Board are made by the Council.


Each member of the Managing Board represents the Foundation and may act on behalf of the Foundation individually.


The Managing Board passes resolutions by simple majority.

Chapter V
Changes of Statute


Any alterations of the Statute cannot affect the main objectives.


Decisions on alterations of the Statute are taken by the Managing Board in the form of a resolution which must be ratified by the Council.

Chapter VI
Final resolutions


For effective realization of the objectives the Foundation may merge with another Foundation.


No merge can be carried out if as a result of that the objectives of the Foundation should be altered.


Decisions on merging are taken by the Managing Board in the course of an unanimous vote that must be approved by the Council.


The Foundation will be liquidated in case of achieving its constitutional objectives or in case of exhaustion of its financial resources and estate.


The decision on liquidation of the Foundation is taken by the Managing Board in the course of an ananimous vote that must be approved by the Council.


The Council on recommendation made by the Managing Board passes the liquidation procedure considering especially the Managing Board's suggestions.


The Liquidator takes decisions on the remaining estate of the Foundation taking into consideration the objectives of the Foundation and in agreement with the Managing Board.


The Statute is valid from the day of registration at the Court of the Capital City of Warsaw.